Book, article, and video recommendation
Below, I have collected books, articles, and videos that explain the method of the family constellation and the transgenerational psychological approach in a way that is most of the time easy to understand, still, it describes them with appropriate sophistication and can contribute to a deeper understanding of them. I heartily recommend all of them.
Joy Manne (2009): Family constellations. North Atlantic Books, US.
Heinz Stark (2005): Systemic Constellation Work is an Art: About Deep Dimensions of Family Therapy. Many Kites Press.
Mark Wolynn (2022): It didn't start with you. Ebury Publishing.
Janus Damien (2021): Systematic constellation. Lexington Books.
Family Deeds: Constellation Therapy & Generations of trauma
Could Family Constellation Work Help You?
Family Constellations with Doris Elisabeth Fischer
What is Family Constellation? Introduction by Oscar Westra van Holthe